This study observed the effectiveness of Caroline’s Cream on people who had an existing dry or inflamed skin condition.

All data has been collected and compiled by Caroline’s Skincare Pty Ltd using a survey method. A survey with questions pertaining to the application of Caroline’s Cream was sent out to a group of 500 customers, of which 484 questionnaires were completed.
Participants of the Trial were selected from a group of willing participants varying in age who had been using or were encouraged to use Caroline’s Cream on their existing skin conditions (as outlined above).

Method: Participants of the study were selected from a group of people, both male and female, ranging from 0 – 70+ years of age. All participants answered a series of questions based on their experiences applying Caroline’s Cream, and participants were asked to apply Caroline’s Cream consistently (one or more times on a daily basis) to their skin so as to best gauge the results.

The information collected provides important data pertaining to the types of conditions most prevalent amongst those surveyed, the ages of participants and the nature of their skin conditions before and after the application of Caroline’s Cream.

Caroline's Cream Results - All participants by Age group percentage

Case study conducted via

Applied the Cream daily to affected areas


Were female


Were male


Have experienced their particular skin condition for more than 5 years


Feel they experienced relief within the first week of application


Number of participants experiencing inflammation saw their skin settle down within a few days


Believe Caroline’s Cream was useful in relieving the symptoms of their skin condition


Claim using Caroline’s Cream has positively affected their quality of life (e.g. eating, sleeping, working and socialising)
