The Serum No. 14 Story
“When my daughter Daisy was about 13 years old I noticed that she had developed stretch marks on her thighs. They were deep and dark purple. Obviously self conscious about them, it was clear she had been suffering in silence – she had been too embarrassed to tell me. I immediately set to work on a remedy for her. Formulated with a powerful mix of vitamins and oils, I popped a small bottle of Serum No. 14 in the shower and casually pointed it out to her. I told her that if she had any skin problem that needed something special, to use the magic serum I had made for her every day until it went away.
My serum proved to be more successful than I had hoped. Within a few months Daisy’s stretch marks had diminished to faint white marks and to this day they are barely noticeable. 8 years on my Daisy is all grown up and happily she still uses my serum. She finds it particularly beneficial for monthly breakouts and any other skin problems that need something special. Daisy wanted her story shared in the hope of helping others who may have similar skin problems.”
Caroline xx