
你有国际运送吗?,,en,我的国家不在您的网上商店中,,en,我们通过快递将订单运送到澳大利亚的所有目的地,,en? My country isn’t available in your online shop2022-11-09T14:14:28+08:00

是的, 我们当然会在国际上发货. 要下国际订单,请在订购过程中按照提示进行操作. If your country is not available in the drop down options, 请联系我们,以便我们通过 orders@carolineskincare.com.au 为您提供进一步帮助. 我们知道,世界各地的许多人依靠我们的产品带来的好处,我们希望继续以适应您的需求,就像我们所能.

Are Caroline’s products suitable for highly sensitive skin?2022-10-11T15:33:34+08:00

Everyone’s skin is different. Some people are allergic to even the most natural ingredients which is why Caroline’s products are formulated with this in mind. Our products contain botanically derived ingredients and Caroline chooses not to use paraben preservatives, 香水, propylene glycol, and sodium lauryl sulphates in her therapeutic skincare.

Can I use Caroline’s products if I’m lactose intolerant?2022-10-11T15:33:53+08:00

Caroline’s Skincare products contain No milk or milk derivatives and are suitable to use if you are lactose intolerant. 然而, if you are prone to allergies, we do recommend you conduct a patch test just to be sure.

My skin is prone to acne, will Caroline’s products clog my pores?2022-10-11T15:34:14+08:00

Good news- both Caroline’s Cream and Wash are non-comedogenic (don’t clog pores), which means they work well as both a daily face wash and moisturiser for acne prone skin. If your skin is particularly oily, for best results, try washing with Caroline’s Wash both morning and night, and moisturising once a day using Caroline’s Cream.

Are your ingredients listed on the product label?2022-10-11T15:34:33+08:00

是的. Although we are unable to provide a full list of ingredients on our website, a more comprehensive list of ingredients is available on the back of our product labels.

你在海外有 Caroline 的护肤系列吗?2022-10-31T17:00:30+08:00

Caroline 的护肤系列目前在澳大利亚有售, 然而,总是有来自海外的我们的品牌感兴趣,我们将进一步在不久的将来探索这些可能性. 在此期间,国际客户将继续通过我们的网站的网上商店访问我们的产品,直到有出口市场的进一步发展. 请记得给我们发送电子邮件至 info@carolineskincare.com.au 以获得进一步帮助. 我们总是乐于提供力所能及的帮助.


Most Australian orders will reach their destination within 5 至 10 working days following dispatch, however please allow up to one week from the time your order has been placed for your parcel to arrive from our dispatch department in Western Australia.

International shipping times vary depending on your location. 如果您想了解订单状态的最新信息,请随时向我们发送电子邮件至 orders@carolineskincare.com.au.

所有订单都来自西澳大利亚运. 我们很乐意迎合那些寻求他们的订单的紧急派遣. 如果你有紧急派遣要求或对您的订单有任何疑问或疑虑,请不要犹豫,直接联系我们.


澳大利亚: 我们通过澳大利亚邮政将订单运送到澳大利亚的所有目的地, 免费或超过订单,en $70.

国际的: To place an international order, 请通过常规订单输入表格输入您的详细信息. 运费将通过澳大利亚邮政服务自动计算. 如果您需要支持来安排国际运输,请联系我们友好的团队以进一步帮助您. 我们知道,世界各地的许多人依靠我们的产品带来的好处,我们希望继续以适应您的需求,就像我们所能.

When will I begin to see a change in my skin irritation?2022-10-11T15:36:04+08:00

Some people begin to experience changes within a few days, however changes can take anywhere between a week to six months depending on the individual. Consistent and regular use brings the best results. If you have any further questions you are more than welcome to contact us as we may be able to assist you further. 我们来这里是为了帮助并更乐意这样做,如果我们能.

How often can I apply the Cream/Wash/Lip Fix?2022-10-11T15:36:28+08:00

Caroline’s products can be used and applied as required. 例如, depending on the individual’s circumstances we suggest applications between 2 - 6 times daily for best results. You will find directions for use on the labels of our products.

Does Lip Fix by Caroline’s contain petroleum jelly?2022-10-11T15:36:50+08:00

Caroline chooses not to use fragrances, paraben preservatives, 羊毛脂, SLS, and nut based ingredients in her products. 有关成分及其好处的更多信息,请访问我们的网站的产品页面.

Is it true Lip Fix by Caroline’s can be applied to cold sores as well as chapped lips and eczema/dermatitis/psoriasis?2022-10-11T15:37:16+08:00

是的! Lip Fix is specifically formulated for those who experience compromised skin barrier health including irritations such as cold sores, 干, flaky, and/or cracked skin.


We choose not to use fragrances, paraben preservatives, 羊毛脂, propylene glycol and nut products in our products. 有关成分及其好处的更多信息,请访问我们的网站的产品页面.

Can the Wash and Cream be used around the eye area?2022-10-11T15:37:51+08:00

适用于敏感区域前,尝试任何新的产品时,总是建议补丁测试, 尤其是眼睛周围. 卡罗琳的奶油的测试仪在零售网点提供.

Caroline 的护肤品可以被所有年龄和所有皮肤类型的人使用吗?2022-10-11T15:38:14+08:00

Yes – most certainly. You don’t have to have a skin irritation to reap the benefits from using Caroline’s Skincare products. Caroline的产品可以在油性使用, 干, 组合和正常的肤色,以帮助保持平衡肌肤, 青春的, 水合和纯化. If your skin is prone to sensitivity, a patch test is highly recommended.

Caroline 的产品可以用在我的宝宝身上吗?2022-10-11T15:38:34+08:00

Caroline的产品很温柔,可用于几乎每个人都, 年轻人和老年人. 然而, as a rule newborns and babies don’t generally develop skin irritations such as eczema until they are at least two months old so it is recommended that you seek medical advice if unsure.

Caroline’s Wash is beneficial for use on babies and children in the bath as the soothing affects and emollient oils help to form a natural barrier on the skin helping to keep it soft and supple. Although generally not problematic, a patch test with Caroline’s Cream is recommended on newborns, 婴儿和儿童,以确保它们不具有灵敏度的任何成分.

建议你做一个斑贴试验, 它是如何工作?2022-10-11T15:38:55+08:00

If you are prone to adverse reactions from certain ingredients it can be a good idea to do a small patch test before using our products. Even though we use gentle, botanically derived ingredients, there is still the potential for sensitivity. Simply rub a small amount of the Cream on an unaffected area of the skin, either on the inside of the elbow or on the nape of the neck. 如果被测试区域内成为下一个红色或恼火 24 hours it is best to avoid the use of the product(s) in question. If you are sensitive to a particular ingredient and are unsure about our formula, please feel free to get in touch with us directly. We are more than happy to help in any way we can.

Should I stop using the products once my skin irritation improves?2022-10-11T15:39:21+08:00

Continued use of Caroline’s products is highly recommended. Once a person has experienced skin irritations, their skin can be prone to flare-ups. It is also important to keep all skin types well-nourished and moisturised on a regular basis.

Can I use your products if I am pregnant?2022-10-11T15:39:39+08:00

We do strongly recommend any expectant mother check with her physician before introducing new skincare products, 只是要确定.

我如何成为 Caroline 护肤系列的经销商?2022-10-31T17:01:07+08:00

Please contact Caroline’s Skincare directly on 1800 900 942 或发送电子邮件至 info@carolineskincare.com.au 以获取有关如何开始为我们的产品备货以及任何可能提供的特别优惠的信息.
